The Weekend Leader - Puducherry Takes Precautions Against Michaung Cyclone: Bus Routes to Chennai Halted

Puducherry Takes Precautions Against Michaung Cyclone: Bus Routes to Chennai Halted



Photo: IANS (for representation purpose only)

Facing the formidable challenge posed by the Michaung  cyclone,, the Puducherry administration has issued a series of emergency measures to safeguard residents and infrastructure.

The Puducherry Road Transport Corporation has suspended all bus services between Puducherry and Chennai due to perilous conditions stemming from continuous heavy rains and strong winds.

The suspension will remain in effect until further notice, impacting major routes including the ECR and bypass roads.

As of this morning, around 34.2 mm of rainfall has been recorded in the last 24 hours. In light of the heightened threat, a Section 144 prohibition order has been declared to restrict public movement in coastal areas, with an orange alert specifically for Puducherry beaches.

This move aims to prevent any loss of life or property, as the cyclone is expected to bring winds peaking at 90-100 km/h.

The fishing community is severely affected, with operations in areas from Kalapet to Pudukuppam coming to a complete halt. Boats, including fiber boats and catamarans, have been securely docked as the sea turns turbulent with high waves.

In a preventive measure, schools and colleges in Puducherry have declared holidays, and government officials are on duty without leave.

The Fire Department is actively involved in clearing fallen trees and branches, a common sight across several areas due to the storm's ferocity.

Residents are urged to stay indoors and follow safety guidelines, as the administration continues to monitor and respond to the evolving situation. - TWL Bureau

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