The Weekend Leader - Turkish forces target Kurdish militia in Syria

Turkish forces target Kurdish militia in Syria




Turkish forces targeted positions of the Kurdish militia in Syria's northern province of Aleppo in retaliation for the killing of three Turkish soldiers, a war monitor reported.

On Sunday, Turkish rocket fire targeted areas in the Sheikh Issa, its surroundings as well as other areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo amid no reports on losses, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

This comes as clashes renewed in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo between the Turkish forces and Kurdish-backed militia, the Manbij Council, reports Xinhua news agency.

Three Turkish soldiers were killed and three others wounded on Saturday after the Kurdish militia targeted a military vehicle in the village of Hozan.

The tension between the Kurdish militia and the Turkish forces in northern Syria has continued to grow after the latter launched a wide-scale operation to dislodge the Kurdish fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from the western bank of the Euphrates River to the eastern bank.

For the Syrian government, the presence of Turkish forces in northern Syria is totally rejected.

It also completely denounces the agendas of the Kurdish militias, which are backed by the US forces in northern and eastern Syria after such groups captured key oil and gas fields with the help of the American personnel.-IANS

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