The Weekend Leader - Tamil Nadu got Rs 6,500 cr new investments in past one year

Tamil Nadu got Rs 6,500 cr new investments in past one year



Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palanswami on Thursday said the state has received Rs 6,500 crore investments in the last one year.

Inaugurating the 18th edition of Connect 2019, an International Conference and Exhibition on Information and Communication Technology here, Palaniswami said that the state has received Rs 6,500 crore investments resulting in 60,000 new jobs, following an appeal made to captains of industry.

Connect 2019 is jointly organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) along with the Tamil Nadu government and the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI).

"The state government's electronics manufacturing policy has seen the creation of an ecosystem for IT parks and start-ups, besides the formulation of e-governance and 12,000 e-seva centres with 120 services for the benefit of 4.80 crore people as of now," Palaniswami said.

He also released the CII Report on Thought Leadership on the occasion which also saw the launch of the Tamil Nadu e-governance Agency (TNeGA) Key Initiatives.

Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu, Chairman, CII Southern Region, said the recent meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mamallapuram near Chennai has given an impetus to the state's development in many ways.

He further said that the CII and the Tamil Nadu Government have worked in tandem for the overall growth of the industry in the state.IANS 

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